The Creation Myth and the Structure of Desire
The Creation Myth and the Structure of Desire This essay is a reflection on a few of the primary symbols from the biblical story of the Garden of Eden as seen through an archetypal lens. I focus on four specific symbols: God the Garden of Paradise/the Wilderness the Serpent the Forbidden Fruit, for which I will offer an archetypal analysis and psychological interpretation of the way in which they structure our unconscious creation myth. With any symbol it is important to keep in mind that it has both a subjective personal dimension and an objective archetypal or mythological dimension. Both dimensions of meaning are relevant in any analysis of the symbol, and both have psychological and spiritual currency. A good place to start this analysis is to revisit the outline of the myth. The basic structure of this myth then is something like this: The story of the Garden of Eden is a theological use of mythological themes to explain human prog...