The Self in Transformation - Dr. Fingarette
V OLUME XVI, N O . 39 S EPTEMBER 25, 1963 "THE SELF IN TRANSFORMATION" IN MANAS for Aug. 7, an article intended to survey "New Perspectives in Psychology" became less a survey than a briefly-stated thesis—the proposition that a truly radical view of the nature of man is now being born, either because or in spite of the extraordinary stresses of our time. This view may be termed "radical" since it concerns the root problems of man's nature and potentialities, and radical also in the sense of introducing ideas which are at fundamental variance with the presuppositions of other traditional religions and traditional science. At about the time "New Perspectives" went into type we received from Basic Books a volume called The Self in Transformation, by Professor Herbert Fingarette, which bears on the same great questions and merits much more than the usual space accorded a review. Dr. Fingar...